Monday, July 12, 2010

Save lives with these beautiful purchases!

Today I would like to promote some of my favorite charities. It has always been a huge passion of mine to be involved in charity work, which is why I have made the decision to pick a new charity each year to work with. Currently I am donating a portion of my Egg of Hope sales to the Children's Hunger Relief fund. It is truly inspiring to see that so many other women have started incredible foundations to help empower women all over the world. Below I picked four of my favorite items from four amazing charities that rock my world and hopefully yours!

Wayuu Taya Foundation: Bag #2189 $140.00
The proceeds from the sale of these bags on their online gift shop go to benefiting the Wayuú indigenous people. The bags are hand-made by Wayuú indigenous women at Shukumajaya, the foundation's women center helps educate women on parenting and nutrition, family planning and hygiene.

SAME SKY is a fair-trade company whose mission is to empower women world wide and inspire a movement of women empowering women. Founded in 2008, their company aims to be a part of the global movement lifting women out of poverty by giving them the tools to become entrepreneurs and lead self sustaining lives.
Exclusive Offer $90 instead of $135
Enter Charity30 for the month of July to receive 30% off!
10% of every necklace sale goes to the Children's Hunger Relief Fund
For more information about the CHRG go to
Each FEED 2 bag sold feeds 2 children in school for an entire year through the UN World Food Program. Look cool and do good by buying the FEED 2 bag. $100.00

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